Monday, July 16, 2012


''CANCER'' of any kind is dangerous but what is more deadly is the ignorance of the disease.Since prevention is always better than cure there are some ways to PREVENT LUNG CANCER!!. Those ways are listed below-

•Quit smoking- Smoking is injurious to health. This line has been repeated extensively on billboards and cigarette packs but people don’t seem to get the hint. However, you can make a difference by quitting cigarettes, at once. Most lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking.

•PASSIVE SMOKING - This may not be as bad as active smoking, but probably worse. This smoke contains around 60% of the cancer causing agents. These agents mostly hinder the growth of cell development. This hindrance is the main cause of cancer. So, it is advisable to maintain a healthy distance from people who smoke.

•FRUITS AND VEGETABLES- One of the best ways of avoiding lung cancer is to increase the intake of vegetables and fruits. They are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. This assists in repairing damaged cells and protecting the cell’s DNA.

•ENVIRONMENTAL CHECK- Air pollution and other environmental hazards such as smog (smoke+fog) can be a cause for cancer. Since cities will continue to be populated and polluted, it is advisable to moving to cleaner pastures; for instance, the suburbs. This will reduce the intake of chemical agents which may reduce the chances of lung cancer.

•Proof your house against RADON- Radon is nothing but disintegrated uranium. It is mainly a form of gas that has virtually no identifying characteristics. Building homes over uranium deposits can lead to lung cancer.

•CHEMO PREVENTION- This is a new age of detecting cancer and preventing its growth before it is too late. This method usually applies the principles of chemotherapy to reduce or prevent cancer.

•REDUCE ALCOHOL- If you like indulging in alcohol occasionally; make sure it is within the limit. If the person is a man he may limit himself to two drinks per day. If the person is a woman, she should restrict herself to one drink per day.

•EXERCISE- This is one of the most effective solutions, one can subject themselves to. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor regarding the regimen, if the person does not exercise habitually. Any routine that involves burning calories is an excellent way of preventing lung cancer.

•AVOID CANCER CAUSING AGENTS- There are carcinogens everywhere. People need to be aware of the substances they are inhaling. Pollutants such as arsenic, gasoline, diesel exhaust, nickel chromates and so on are agents that cause lung cancer.

•TAKE IN BETS-CAROTENES- Cartenoid compounds are rich in fruits and vegetables such as melons, sweet potatoes, peaches, green leafy vegetables and so on. However, people are advised to avoid beta-carotenes supplements. [link]



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